Most of the activity on Day 21 was getting ready for a major winter storm. Predictions called for a lot of freezing rain, turning to ice thus creating possible power outages. A quick trip to the grocery store was in order. While there I noticed this unique pattern in an ear of corn and decided it would be a good subject for Day 21.

During the evening the storm did pass through leaving behind lots of ice and sleet. A little further inland they actually got snow, which is unusual. About 7:30 AM I took a walk around the house to see what, if any, damage was caused. From my doorway I could see palm branches and tree limbs bent over under the weight of ice. My truck was encased in ice. Along one side of our property are some very large oleanders, about 8 or 9 feet tall. They were about doubled over! By about 1:00 PM they were almost back to original shape.

Day 23 was COLD, it got down to 16 degrees during the night. That’s very cold for this neck of the woods. I decided that my photo for Day 23 would be done inside. So I grabbed my Canon 7D Mk II with a 90mm Macro lens and grabbed some gears and took several shots. Here’s the one I chose to post.